4 Pieces of Exercise Equipment Your Need for a Great Home Workout

Man and woman exercising on mat at home


Hello there, fitness enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a journey to becoming your best self? Congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier life by deciding to start working out. Now that you’ve got your mind in the right place, it’s time to get your body in gear. But where do you begin? Should you join a gym? What if you can’t find the time to go? Don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered. What if we told you that you could successfully work out from the comfort of your own home, and still get amazing results? Yes, you heard that right! A home workout just might be the perfect solution for you. And what’s better than a home workout? A home workout with the help of Fitness!

4 Pieces of Exercise Equipment You Need

To get the most out of your home workout, there are a few things you’ll need to have on hand. Make sure you have the following 4 pieces of exercise equipment for a great home workout:

  1. Stability Ball: The stability ball is an essential piece of equipment that provides a level of controlled instability – ensuring that we’re stabilizing and strengthening our core throughout all movements. It’s like a bouncy castle for your core! We’ll use the ball for core work, as well as exercises requiring a bench, or seat. Plus, it’s so much fun to bounce around on it!
  2. Foam Roller: After a hard workout, you want nothing more than to relax and unwind. But sometimes, your muscles have other plans. That’s where the foam roller comes in. Foam rolling, or self-myofascial release (SMR), will improve muscle imbalances, increase joint range of motion (ROM), and help correct compensatory movement patterns. SMR will be incorporated at the beginning of the routine as part of the warm-up, at the end of the workout as part of the cooldown, or both! A high-density foam roller is recommended for this program. So, roll out those muscles and feel the tension melt away!
  3. Dumbbells: You’ll need a nice set of dumbbells for most of the resistance exercises. While body weight is a viable alternative, once you reach a certain level of strength, you’ll want to increase the load placed upon the body for maximal results. You have many options for dumbbells; coated, non-coated, and adjustable dumbbells. In terms of space-saving, and scalability, the adjustable weights are best. With dumbbells, you can pretend that you’re lifting weights like a pro wrestler, and feel pretty good about yourself!
  4. Exercise Mat: You’ll need a nice, comfortable exercise mat for your workouts. One that’s large enough for you to perform floor exercises on, and that’s durable enough to withstand some seriously hard work. It’s like a cozy little nest that you can use to perform floor exercises on, and it’s durable enough to withstand some seriously hard work. Plus, it’s a great place to take a nap when you’re done with your workout.


Once you have these items, you’re ready to take on the world! Come back here often for an instructor-led workout designed to help you get healthy and fit. Our master trainer, Coach Hashim Mteuzi, will provide you with functional workouts that you can do absolutely anywhere. You won’t find any gimmicky made-up exercises here, just fun and functional exercises for a home workout that will power you through your day. Plus, you can share your experiences on social media and use the hashtag #plantPoweredFit to show off your new workout gear! So, grab your equipment, and let’s get to work!

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[…] Find a time and place in your home, garage, or yard where you can exercise without being interrupted. This might mean that you need to get up earlier than everyone else (or stay up later). You don’t need a bunch of equipment either, in fact, your own bodyweight will suffice! If you want to ramp up the intensity of your workouts, you can add a few components like an exercise mat, dumbbells, and a stability ball. […]

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