We’re in the midst of a global pandemic as the world races to contain the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. There is a tremendous amount of information to keep track of as there are seemingly new guidelines, mandates, restrictions, and updates on a daily basis. Plant Powered Fitness has sifted through the plethora of new in order to find some of the most relevant resources available to you at the time of publication. Keep reading to learn 5 things you need to know about the novel coronavirus COVID-19.
6 things you can do to protect yourself from COVID-19
What precautions should you take? While containment of COVID-19 will require immense coordination on the part of many governments and institutions, there are things that you can do to help protect yourself and your loved ones, as well as slow the spread of the virus. Here are a few things that are within your control and that experts recommend you do right now:
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds
- Practice social distancing
- Don’t touch your face
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or with your elbow
- Stay home when your sick
- Wear a mask or facial covering in public
Where to get up-to-date information on the COVID-19 outbreak
The following resources are not intended to be exhaustive, instead, they represent some reliable sources that will help you to stay informed in these uncertain times. Plant Powered Fitness recommends that you always augment global/ macro-level information with local context from your trusted regional news outlets.
The World Health Organization (WHO)
The World Health Organization is perhaps the number one recommended location to get the most up-to-date information from a global perspective.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
If you’re in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control provides helpful information on a domestic level.
How to talk to your children about the coronavirus
The Mayo Clinic has some in-depth guidance on how to talk to your children about coronavirus COVID-19.
Follow the 6 things you need to know about the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and you will have a good chance of protecting yourself and your loved ones. Be sure to take care of your health and fitness while you’re staying safe. Check out 5 ways to stay fit during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic stay-at-home order for some great tips.
[…] So how do you stay fit during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic? First, get outside for those essential walks, runs, and bike rides. Then eat less and track what you do eat. Then add in some home exercises (including having dance parties). Lastly, now is as good a time as any to build some good hobby habits. Also, be sure to review what you should know about the coronavirus. […]